True Heroes

“A true hero dose what needs to be done and needs no other reason.”

This is so true!! You often see people who are like “look at me, look at me; I’m doing so much good.” They are trying to get notice and get people to like them. But people don’t like that, they think that they are just show offs and need a reason to do things.

You often don’t see people that are just helping other people because they can. They go unnoticed. These people are the real heroes; they don’t need super powers to be able to do good. Imagine if everyone was like these unnoticed heroes, imagine what the world would be like. It would be amazing. The next time you see someone doing good without a reason and they just do it cause they can, why not go up to them and give them a pat on the back and say well done. Show them that people do care!!

What random acts of kindness will you show in the world today??

Love the Mothership xx


“Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Having the courage to do something, become someone, and achieve a dream is the way to go about it. I have just been skiing this week for the first time since I was 8 years old. I was so scared before I even got to the snow I told myself that I could not do it. However, when I had all my gear on and was up on the skis I had to tell myself and make myself believe that I could do it. The first fall was what I needed to realised that it wasn’t that scary after all. With a few lessons and learning the technique I found that I could do it and get back up and try again. Even with a bruise looming on my leg after a massive stack I still want to get up there again a have another go.

This is the same for life; you have to believe that you are capable of achieving your dream without being afraid of failing, it means you tried. All you have to do is getting back up again and try once more. Practise makes perfect and don’t think that you know it all. Ask someone with experience they are bound to help you up and show you a different way of reaching the place you want to get to. The scars help you to learn from your mistakes.

Love the Mothership xx

Respect and Acceptance

“Accept everything about yourself. I mean everything. You are you, and that is the beginning and the end; No apologies, no regrets.” Dr Clark Moustakas.

If you don’t respect yourself, how others supposed to respect you. People (girls especially) go on about how they hate they hair, eyes, nose or other part of their bodies. So they go out and change it.

But let me tell you this, genuine people don’t care about what you look like. If we all looked the same the world would be pretty boring. It’s what’s on the inside that counts. It’s about trust, friendship, loyalty, and having a good time with others. This just proves that looks are not everything.

Once you start to accept and respect yourself others will do the same.

Love the Mothership xx

With all your heart

“Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart” Confucius

What exactly does this mean? Go with all your heart. Well maybe it means that you should put everything you have got into doing something, don’t just do a half job. Make sure it’s done properly. However it’s really hard to do something with all of your heart if you don’t love doing it. So it could mean that you should do something that you love, this way you will want to put everything into what you are passionate about. Find something you love and do it, put all of your heart into it.

Love the Mothership xx

What would you do with a thousand words??

Would you waste them on useless nonsense, bitching about others, talking behind their backs, OR would you make them count?
Would you use them to change the world, make others feel beautiful! Would you use them for good?
How many word do you say each day that actually matter? Do you tell the people you love how much they mean to you??
What words will you be remember for??

Love the Mothership xx

A Sense of Accomplishment

“If you want to accomplish anything in life, you can’t just sit back a wait for it to happen. You’ve got to make it happen” Chuck Norris

You’ve got to make it happen. 6 simple words but it’s so hard to do. Where to start, what way to go? But the biggest problem is not having a dream to accomplish at all. You’ve got to have something you want to do in life. We only have one life so why waste it. You don’t have to do something big, it can be really small but it can make a difference. You have potential to do anything you just have to put you mind to it. Why not go out a do something. You never know what you can achieve!! Dream Big!

Love the Mothership xx